Shopper Profile
Not just a transit hub but an architectural marvel, Grand Central draws both commuters and admirers. Its majestic interiors house a plethora of high-end shops, eateries, and the iconic Oyster Bar. With a daily flux of professionals and tourists, surrounding retail is premium, and rents reflect this centrality. The area is largely dominated by institutional landlords with a sprinkling of long-time local ones.

Basic Demographics

Population: 600

Household Segment Breakdown

Average Rent (psf): $129
Median Rent (psf): $108
Rent Range (psf): $108-$127
Rent Variability: High
Source Notes: Data provided by Retail by MONA, a New York based brokerage firm.
Preferred ISP(s)
Estimated Permit Timeline (weeks)
Landmarks Risk
Union Labor Disharmony Likelihood

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