Shopper Profile
DUMBO (Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass) in Brooklyn, NY, is a vibrant neighborhood featuring a mix of boutique shops, art galleries, and waterfront dining. It attracts a diverse crowd of locals and tourists. Rents are high, overseen by corporate landlords.

Basic Demographics

Median Household Income: $86,626
Consumer Expenditure: $35,064,243,146
Population: 1,032,731
Daytime Population: 1,263,127
Source Notes: Data reflects Q3 2023 (Experian)

Household Segment Breakdown

Segment #1: A – Ultra Wealthy Families (63%)
Segment #2: G – Educated Urbanites (35%)
Segment #3: I – Young Urban Singles (1%)
All Other Segments: 1%
Source Notes: Segment data reflects 0.25mi radius and is provided by, an AI-Powered segmentation platform for retail marketers.
Tenant Sales per Square Foot: $550
Occupancy Rate: 90%
Anchor Tenants: West Elm, REI
Tenant Rent/Sales Ratio (%): 13%
Rent $ / Visitor: $30.00
Source Notes: Data sourced from public and private records.
Preferred ISP(s)
Estimated Permit Timeline (weeks)
Landmarks Risk
Union Labor Disharmony Likelihood

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