Why retailers should use CBSAs and MSAs
There’s a book called “Prisoners of Geography” by Tim Marshall that describes how “every nation’s choices are limited by mountains, rivers, seas and concrete. Since then, the geography hasn’t changed. But the world has.” He has since published a sequel called “The Power of Geography” that explores ten regions that are set to shape global…...
Enigmas in DTC markets: NYC, LA, and Miami
How these markets are different from the rest, and how to maximize your potential in each One of the many themes in the Clicks to Bricks Playbook is the consistency of patterns in DTC brands’ data Ironically, one of the many consistencies across brands is the inconsistency of consumer behavior in a few key MSAs: These are…...
Strategies for different landlord archetypes
Understanding landlords' motivations can help your deal-making efforts
Visualize your e-commerce data (for free)
Step by step process using exclusively free tools
How to lose a deal in 10 ways
10 things that often lead to a dead deal
30 signs your retail program or aspirations needs some help
If you hear/see/think any of these signs, then you're in trouble...
A Map for NYC’s Neighborhoods
Defining NYC neighborhoods is akin to defining cocktails: everyone has a different definition. There are lots of maps out there, with some motivations being that brokers and landlords want to classify their locations in a higher rent neighborhood (so they can charge those higher rents). While there’s no right or wrong answer, you should definitely…...
Come to NYC!
Save the date: Attend the Women of Impact Summit
To reno/relo or not to reno/relo
Why a reno/relo is rarely worth it
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1REC is building on OpenAI!
Test out 1REC's Real Estate Counsel AI
Lease Administration: the role you earn at scale that accelerates profitability
How to immediately save six figures of costs with a single hire
RETHINK Retail Recognizes Andrew Neelon as one of the Top Retail Experts of 2024!
Join Andrew and other Top Retail Experts on Jan 15th at RETHINK Retail's Gala!
2023 sucked for DTC
"The year of the retail fire sale" per Modern Retail
Quantifying Your Risk Exposure
Do you know much exposure you have at any given time?
Building Your Retail Dream Team: Your First Hire
How and who to find as your first hire building out your retail channel
My Standard Letter of Intent (LOI) Template
The key deal terms you should care about when negotiating an LOI
Paying your people
Weighing the pros and cons of various compensation models
The most common and time-consuming mistake ALL brands make — and how to avoid it
How to future proof your organization to save you days of wasted time
Aisle Be Back: Using AI in Retail Real Estate
How to use ChatGPT to help you go from clicks to bricks